No one make money online from blogging, Don’t be fooled

There are many people who are turning to blogging in order to make money online, some have even resigned their official jobs with hope of making more money online, that is however a very good mistake. Not everyone will make money from blogging and I have seen so many abandoning their blogs after failing to get any dollar from them.

I usually tell people that blogging is like a soccer game competition where many teams will compete but only one team will walk away with the money. There are many bloggers but very few will be able to gain.

Who told you every blogger can get a million visitors a day? That will never be possible in the real sense which means that a few guys will always walk away with the money. It is not advisable to leave your job just to make money online unless you are sure of what you are doing.

I am not saying that people do not make money online, m of course they do, I also do, but it is not every one, There are so many people who have been updating websites for years when they have never got any meaningful income. If you want to make that money you may need to spend the better half of your day on your computer trying to make yourself visible.

The problem is that not many people can sit on the Pc all time and those who do may not be bale to know what to do and how to do in order to make money online. I have actually seen so many people being scammed thinking that they are going to make money. There are so many websites today targeting non suspecting bloggers and many have ended up losing money instead of making it.

There are currently more than 400 million blogs in the world, if someone says that people make money on line through blogging, then that means that more 400 million bloggers in the world are very rich, however, common sense will tell you that it is not true.

I do not want you to think that I am telling people that they cannot make money online, that would be like shooting my out feet since I have written so many articles which guide people on how to make money online and they have been successful. My argument is that it is only a few who get successful.


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