Many people find a lot of problems committing themselves to one person because they may not be their partners for life. It there is something which has brought trouble for many, then it would be making that choice for life. Many women and men find themselves with multiple lovers by the time they get ready for marriage, but even though one you may have only one lover, it may be hard to convince that person in actions and words that you are the partner for life.
If you have someone you would like to have for life, you must prove it to them and if they are still indifferent, then this is the article for you, you have all the powers to make them think you are the partner for life. Here are three important tips which can make you do just that
What they want about themselves
This is not about the physical; it’s about the character of the person you love, ask that person what they would like to be known for and keep it on your mind, after a few weeks tell them you love them because of that same thing. For example, if they tell you they want be remembered for being caring, after a few weeks tell it to them, if you lover is Jane, just say it in a simple way “Jane I love you because you are caring”, repeat it every after a few weeks so that that person will know they have some one who loves them for something they love about themselves.
The bad factor
Every one has a bad factor, from the president to the lowest common man, and from the rich to the poor, the bad factor is part of every one, the bad factor is something which people do not like about you. So, make sure you find out the bad factor about your target, it may be annoying him as people talk about it but this will be your chance to change everything in your favor. When you find out their bad factor, present it to them as something you love. If people do not like your target for being to funny, tell them you love them for it, for example, if your target is John, you can say “John, I like you for being funny”, This will hit them hard to their hearts if they finally get some one who loves them for what they love which others do not like. However, if there bad factor is really bad; present it in a positive way while working on changing it.
Live there lives
Right from the beginning, try to live the lives of your target lover, live like them and carefully let them see it, when you are talking to them about their parents, do not say “how is your mother or father” rather say “how is our mother”. Just let them know through actions and words that their family is your family. In living there lives, show a lot of care, when they get sick, you can spot an opportunity of telling them that you do not feel fine when they are not fine. However, when you are doing all this, make sure you do not seem so desperate, play it as if you only care and let them read the lines. It doesn’t hurt to call them and ask if they have had lunch, if they haven’t, then argue them to do so while pointing at the disadvantages of not eating in time. If you live the lives of your target lovers, you will be surprised at how fast you will win their hearts and how fast you will dispose off to remain with no competition on your road to marriage.
How to love a person and make them love you
Labels: Love and tips
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