Make Money Online, Get alot of Money from your Website

This article, I am gong to concentrate on the advertising programs which you can use on your blog to earn good dollars. Many people usually under use the advertising programs or even use just one which makes them lose the lots of incomes they would have got from their blogs. The advertising programs below will with no doubt boost your income in a way you may not believe.

Affiliate Marketing
You can make lots of money through Affiliate Marketing. Such programs include; Amazon, Commission Junction, LinkShare, Click Bank, These program works in several ways. You put a code generated by them on your blog. They will then display an ad or a banner. If visitors of your blog click on the ad and sign up for a website or buy something, you earn money in the form of commission.

Sell Advertising Space
If your blog gets some good traffic, then you can sell advertising space on them, it is easy to maintain since it involves no effort from your side yet you will be earning. You don’t need thousands of visitors a day, but the more visitors you have, the more you can charge for advertising.

Some of the best places to start with are

Advertising Programs
Advertising on your blogs on Blogger is one of the easiest and most used ways to make money. Advertising programs are free to join and easy to set up to your blogs. The most famous and widely used advertising program by bloggers is Google Adsense. A more recent addition that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMiniMalls and WidgetBucks, Text Link Ads.
Others advertising progarmmes where you can make good monies include
• Azoogle Ads,
• Intelli Txt,
• BlogAds
• DoubleClick,
• Tribal Fusion,
• Adbrite,
• Clicksor,
• AdHearUs,
• Kanoodle,
• Pheedo,
• TextAds,
• Bidvertiser,
• Fastclick
• Value Click

Sell Products on your blog.
You can sell products on your Blog and earn money. The most common programs are eBay and Amazon Publisher programs. You have to visit their sites and register with them where you will get a code to install on your blog. You can sell e-books, software, downloadable products, your own products etc.

Place a Donation Link or Button on Your Blog

It doesn’t hurt to place a donation button on your blog but it will surely pay, you can ask people to donate some money so that you can carry on the good work. One way to add this kind of donation button is PayPal.


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