So you have a date, you feel a little a bit nervous and not aware of what may be the outcome, you are wondering what you will have to say, how you will say it and what may be the reaction. You are not one; many people have gone through that as many are going through it. Did you know that that one single date can change your life fore ever? May be for the better or for the worse? Many have blown apart wonderful opportunities just because they used the wrong approaches on their golden dates, but no need to worry, here are s few tips you can use to make your date as successful as you may ever want.
Prepare what to say in time
It is an evil to loose words on a date though this has happened to many, preparing what to say does not only apply to men. Some women tend to think that men will say everything which is a very wrong idea, many people who have had blind dates before will agree with me that, that was the end. Though many give up because they realise that the people they have been blindly dating look a less more than they expected, others give up just because the people they meet were boring.
Even though you are not the most attractive, what you say on a date can be the little magic which will soften the heart your date. Before you go out on a date, try being up to date with the current issues, watch, read or listen to news. In the middle of your conversation bring up an interesting part of the news, though you have to make sure you choose that a bit of the news, you can talk about a celebrity in the news, for example “Have you heard John is going to marry?”, then build something from there, and such a question will give a tremendous short cut of talking about marriage, a subject so welcome.
Arrive on time
Few things frustrate like waiting for some one hours after the pre agreed date, I remember a time when I waited for a lady that by the time she arrived, I was already to angry to enjoy the date, She made commit one of date sins “Never complain”, Arriving too late will consume most of your first minutes complaining and on the other side making excuses for coming a late, something which should never be on a date menu. You need to begin your date time on a good note and coming late may spoil every thing.
Be smart
Your date must look at your attire, there is no way you should ever think the way you dress does not matter, In fact, many people who narrate to their friends how their date was, begin with phrases like “He was putting on …” and then other statements follow. So why would you want to discredit your self at first sight with a poor dress code?
Have a whatzit
You should never forget to have a whatzit on you, it will have a big impact on the way your date will think about you, but then, what is a whatzit? A whatzit is some thing unusual or unique on you, it can be anything from a small pin, key holder, hot or some design which is not as common. I do not mean something expensive, I mean some thing unusual. However, make sure you do not use something which may discredit you.
Leave the dead alone and forget your problems.
When you are on your first date, make sure you avoid anything to do with the dead, do not talk about the people you know who died, that is not the right time. There is a saying in the book of Ecclesiastes which says “Everything has its own time”. Even if you have millions of problems, be it financial, emotional or physical; never let your date know about them at that moment. Some one may wonder “If this person has told me all those problems in a short time, how much are they still hiding?” Still on that, never be so desperate to say out your secrets to your date.
The last of the last
As time goes by, and one of you seems to be preparing to say goodbye, you must make sure you use all those last minutes showing appreciation and setting the stage for the next meeting. Thank them for coming and do not forget to tell them that it’s your first date. Get all the details correct and do not forget to make a simple follow up by calling the person a few hours after the date.
How to have a successful date
Labels: Love and tips
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