A miracle is something which happens out of the natural, this means that, that event must be rare and not natural. Miracles have been performed by God ever since this world was created; in fact, even the creation of this world was a miracle. Miracles can be performed to those who know God and those who do not know him, is just simple, Jesus performs miracles as he wish and Jesus is the only true miracles performer. This is why, even the dead people like Lazarus could receive miracles without showing any sign of faith.
This refutes the idea that miracles are only performed for people who have faith that would be really absurd since not all Israelites who crossed the Red Sea had faith, in fact, many of them even wanted to leach Moses, they had so single sign of faith. When Jesus fed the 5000 people with only a few bread and fish, even the disciples themselves did not have enough faith that Jesus Christ could perform such a miracle. The man Peter and John found at the temple gate wanted money and they instead performed a miracle for him, it is one of the few examples in the bible of the miracles where the lame walked again.
God is so merciful to perform miracles to believers and to none believers, However, I have to warn to warn you that there are many pastors who perform fake miracles and they claim they are working for God, in fact, the Bible calls them counterfeit miracles (Matt 24:24).
If you want to get a miracle from God, you will get, but not as you wish but as God wishes. We are not to force God to perform miracles if he says no, this why it is dangerous to follow miracles or give our trust to people who claim that a miracle “must” happen. There is never a must, it is only God to decide whether you need that miracle or not.
We should also learn to differentiate between miracles and natural occurrences, if some thing is natural, just like healing, then we should not call it a miracle. If you want to have a miracle, just a just a few simple steps you can follow
• Pray to God for what you want, whenever you pray through the name of Jesus Christ, God will always answer
• Remember that God is not just there to make sure we have good lives but to make sure we go to heaven
• Trust in God that he will work for you
• Let got perform the miracle in your life
Miracles; How quickly to get a Miracle
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