What girls means when they say “Anything”

Women and girls sometimes speak the most confusing thing, I remember a time when some beautiful girl told me that she will give me anything if i did something foe her. Actually this hit me hard on my fragile heart. So i asked this girl what she meant by the "anything". To my surprise, when told me that she means "anything" and that her "anything" means anything.

I know may men have also met such situations; many are left to wonder whether what she means includes romance, love, kisses or even sex. Actually, many would prefer that that anything also includes sex or love. In some circumstances many people actually hope it includes money. But do you really know what a girl means when she say that she will give you anything?

You, women and girls are mostly born shy, they therefore cannot say some thong like "I love you too", or "I will love you", so they create some simple words which need a wise translation from a man. But when it comes to anything, let me give you some of the things women can mean so that when a girl tells you that she is ready for anything, you have an idea of what they mean.

·        I am ready for love

·        I am ready for a kiss

·        I will have sex with you

·        I think you are taking long to touch me

·        Just go ahead and romance me

·        I need sex and you are delaying to do anything, yet am ready for anything

·        I am not young as you think, I can actually teach you how to love


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