f you really want to make good money online, this article may be the best thing which has ever happened to you. What I have written here about the top adsense sharing websites is not a simple guess; this is something I have proved. I actually have accounts with all the websites i have mentioned and the presentation here is a reflection of what I earn on line from each of these websites. It has taken me some time before making a conclusion on my ranking of the best adsense sharing websites. What you do with the information from this article will obviously depend on how much money you want to make or even how serious you are with earning a lot of money from the internet. I believe that making good choices can put any one among the top earners or top bloggers. I have ranked the top adsense sharing websites with the best ones coming first and i am going to give you my reasons why it is so. So, here the least of the best adsense sharing websites to help you make a lot of money on line, get huge traffic to your websites and blogs and also to make you rich. Hubpages is the by far the best adsense sharing website, your articles are overly exposed to Google and other search engines which is a must if you want to earn a lot online. However, Hubpages is more than a website which will help you make a lot of money and get a lot of traffic, it's also a community. Unlike many other websites, you will be able to get so many friends at Hubpages who will guide you into making relay good dollars online. I remembered when i had just joined Hubpages, I good a good friend called Bad Company, though, he actually gave me Good Company. He gave me a few tips on how to make money from Hubpages, he told me to be patients and just wait for the money to flow into my account, Eight months have passed now and i can realise what he told me. You can get so many friends from Hubpages and it is you to decide what to do with them, I now have an advisor in Lady_E and I am enjoying my time here. Hubpages helps hubbers to get to the top, there is an idea bank here where you can get hot topics which you can write on and get good traffic and money. The adsense income sharing here is good; it is a 60/40 where the writer takes 60% of the profit from the adsense revenue. When it comes to making money, Hubpages will always beat other competitors, At Hubpages, you not only get money from adsense sharing but also from other big advertising networks like Kontera, Ebay and Amazon. There are many writers here who get hundreds of dollars from each of those advertising networks per week and some have even given up running private blogs and sites because the money they get from Hubpages is far too way enough. It's free to Join Hubpages. Wish you luck When it comes to Google loves who, then Xomba cannot be left out, Xomba shares adsense revenue on a 50/50 basis where the writer takes 50 % and the remaining 50 for Xomba, but that is in fact a big good favour just because Xomba has a lot of traffic and people really make good money. They have also introduced a forum on their website and writers share good tips on how to make money on line and how to increase traffic to their websites. One other thing i like about Xomba is the way they position the adsense adverts, their ad positioning is just perfect, Xomba put the Google adsense ads just within the article and others just besides, this makes them very visible to readers and clicks are always many. I have noticed that i get 60 clicks out of every 100 page views which make Xomba a top adsense sharing website. There is no crying found about traffic at Xomba just because traffic is just available; I make a lot of money from Xomba even from fewer articles compared to other sites. They also allow you to insert your own adsense code and you get the revenue directly to your adsense account. Just like Hubpages, it's also free to Join Xomba. Without doubt, Bukisa is slowly growing into the best adsense sharing website, and if the other adsense sharing sites do not become more aggressive, we will soon see Bukisa as the best adsense sharing website for those who want t to make money online. Bukisa pays writers per impression and also per click. According to them every 1000 page impressions deserve a pay, which is really so good for writers. You will also share the adsense revenue by 60/40 where you the writer will take home 60% of the revenue. Recently, Bukisa has been paying 5 dollars per 1000 impressions which means that a person can make good money in just a single day. The site also provides very good statics about the reader's data and you can easily know how people arrived on your content and where those people came from. Publishing at Bukisa is also very easy and it doesn't take minutes to learn all about using Bukisa, the good side of their payment is that they pay every time a writer reaches only 10 dollars on the account. That means that a person can be pain within the first days of publishing at Bukisa, and i really enjoy that money. If you also want to make meaningful money online, I advise you to Join Bukisa She told me is the perfect website for those who do not want to write yet they want to make money online. Actually she told me is a social bookmarking website which gives you 100% of you adsense revenue. This is not a joke, you make 100% profit from your She told me account just as you would with your personal website. This makes She told Me one of the best adsense sharing websites we have. However, when it comes to social bookmarking sites, none beats She told Me in adsense sharing, She Told me is the best adsense sharing social bookmarking site on the internet which all who are serious about making money online should not miss. Since She Told Me is a social bookmarking site, you just need to bookmark articles with them and make money; these can be your own articles or even articles of other people. This is s two way win, first of all, you will make money using your adsense code but you will also create links for your website or other people, to make things better, she told me is a do follow site which means that you will also get a lot of traffic to your pages from She Told Me. Every posting you make at She Told Me will provide a link to the post its self and also to your home website which you provide in your account. That means that 500 postings will also provide you with 1000 links with 50 going to the link you provide and 500 to the home page. I also like the support at she told, if you have any query, you will be answered within minutes if you contact the administrator, I once did when blogger deleted my blog and I wanted to know what will happen to those links, I got the answer within 5 minutes. When i check my adsense account I see that She Told me is one of my top channels. It's free, if you also want to Join She Told Me Though i have put blogger party at this position, in the actual sense it may be somewhere above. I have not spent so much time at Blogger Party but the adsense revenue results are very visible. Blogger Party is one of those adsense sharing websites where traffic is not a major problem. Your articles will be read and i have noticed that the adsense click through is just too good. Publishing at Blogger party is also easy just like it is with Triond, it takes a few seconds to post an article and wait for your money. That is blogger party is among the top adsense sharing websites. You will share the revenue from your articles at 50/50 where you will take 50% of the revenue from your work. Hope you also make a lot of money from when you Join Blogger Party I guess many of you know about You Say Too and how people are making money from it. You say Too is a unique adsense sharing website, it gives the opportunity to own two blogs or sites out of one. When you enter the address of your site, all content will be pulled to You Say Too and you will be like having to blogs in two places, one which is your original and another at You say too. Every time you post an article at your site, it will also be posted at You say too which will give you a double search engine advantage. However, if you do not want that, you can just post articles with them just like all the other adsense sharing websites. You say too also shares the adsense revenue at a margin of 50/50 between you and them. Another good side about You say too is that they also place Chitika ads on your articles and they will pay you for it. That is why people make money from the site. It's also free to Join You Say Too Info Pirate is also an adsense sharing social bookmaking site, If you what to make quick money online without writing you can try it out at InfoPirate, Just like she told, info pirate gives a double link juice to your article and also to your home page. You will be able to make money online on line and also increase traffic to your website. Actually, when you check through most back links checkers you will see your links from Info Pirate within a few days. But that is not the best out of the good news; the good news is that Info Pirate gives 100% of your adsense revenue. This means that they take nothing from your income, whatever you earn at Info Pirate is yours. Your adsense code will display all day all night and in a little while you will be able to make good money online. Wish you luck as you make money at Info Pirate The Promise My promise to you just simple, "I will add to this list whatever adsense sharing website which i find good for you". I will go on adding on this list of the top best adsense sharing websites which makes it better for you to bookmark this article and come back to it after every a week. Always remember to be patient, many people actually take 6 months to get their first checks and when they do, money begin to flow endlessly. |
Top best adsense sharing websites
Labels: Money online and SEO
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