Effective tips on how to stop smoking


To stop smoking is a great decision though sometimes not an easy one. Hover it, it is very possible to give up smoking in a very short period of time. People who need to stop smoking go through a period of withdrawal, during this period a person might feel nervous, moody or having difficulty sleeping. But these symptoms do not last long and they are worth it compared to dangers if you do not stop smoking.

To stop smoking, you can use a series of filters over the period of 3 weeks. Each filter reduces the tar and nicotine levels so that withdrawal is gradual

You can also get prescription from a doctor for a gum that contains nicotine. The aim is to gradually to cut down the amount and frequency of the gum you use until you are nicotine free.

It is also important that you join a "stop smoking" club or group if you can access one.

Surround yourself with people who support your decision and who themselves do not smoke.

Find a substitute for cigarettes to put in your mouth such as sugar free gum

Ask a non smoking free what it is like to breath you smoke. Their responses may give you more urge to stop smoking

Try to stay smoke free one day at a time, remember that each day's battle won is tomorrow's victory.

Think about all the benefits of being smoke or cigarette free and how you will be saving your life.


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