Many people are at a high risk of getting cancer but yet remain ignorant about the fact. This article is going to help you rate yourself and see you risk of getting cancer. Number a piece of paper from 1 through 18. Then read each item below and respond by writing a Yes or a No and then total the number of each responses. I avoid sitting or standing near people who smoke I put salt on my food I smoke cigarettes I avoid eating fried foods I limit the amount of fat in my diet When i am in sunshine during mid day, I use sun screens I use smokeless tobacco products I exercise aerobically at least 3 times a week I eat foods high in fibre I use a lot of vegetable and fruits I avoid long exposure to dust, fumes and industrial chemicals I limit my intake of foods high in cholesterol When i am upset, i take some action to relax I keep my weight under control I wear protective clothing when I am in the sun for long periods I use some effective ways to relax I avoid smoke filled rooms I eat a lot of greasy food Now it is time yo rate your risk of getting cancer, Give yourself 1 point for each of the Yes answers on the items 1,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 If you answered No on items 2,3,7 and 18, give yourself 1 point for each answer If the total of your points is 17 to 18, you are doing great and you risk for cancer is very low. That is an excellent 15 to 16 is good and your risk is for getting cancer is also low. 9 to 14, you should do something, you may get cancer, and your risk is alarming Below, Be very careful, time might be running out for you and your risk of getting cancer is very high |
Cancer; Rate your Risk of getting Cancer
Labels: Health
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