How I became rich; Simple step on how to make money

Making money, becoming rich and becoming successful is a choice though I believe that some people do not have much to do decide. A person born to rich parents will have different choices to make from the one born to poverty stricken parents.  However, with most, (though not all) of the factors constant, you will become rich when you chose to.
My parents were not very rich (considering the living standard of my country), but I had a dream to become rich. Yes, every one normally gets such dreams but it is only a few who realize the success. When I look at the world around me, I can see that I have achieved what many people would like to achieve, I have enough money to cater for my needs and I have enough property to be counted among the rich.
Being rich is relative, a person who is rich in Uganda may not be considered to be rich in New York, but as for me, and the place I come from, I have made it to where many would like to be.
My steps to making money are not out of rich; I believe that everyone can be rich if they decide too, so that was also my first step- decision. People who will die poor think like the poor and people who become successful think like the successful. After, making the decision, you will then need to act, there are very many ways you can begin with, but I advise getting written information from people who have studied the path to success
I started with Rich Dad, Poor Dad, a book which gave me real insight into the path of moving forward towards greatness and riches.   There are many books on market which can really help you to get rich if you are to follow the simple steps.
Then you will need to join some high circles of people who have achieved something, having so many friends who are poor will not help you much if you are to become rich.  Who told you rich people do not want to get friends, they do, since many of them are always lonely. Becoming a friend to the rich will set your path straight, study their paths, ask for help and give them the help they need.
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money-That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller--Now Revised and Updated for the 21st CenturyThink and Grow Rich: The No.1 Selling Book of the Century on Personal Wealth and Lasting SuccessRich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money


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