Full list of People who will go Heaven

The dream of so many people is to go heaven, but sadly, heaven is not for everyone. God already has a list of people who will go to heaven and i am here to present to you that list. Hope you will also make it.

The meek

Heaven has never been for the proud; it is a place for people, who are willing to live as servants on this world,

Self control

In order to enter heaven, you must be a person who can control himself in situations where need be, for example, about women or men.

The Faithful

There is no way such people cannot make the list to heaven, you have to be faithful to God and man and heaven will be yours in full.

The Obedient

Heaven is early waiting for the obedient people, you have to be obedient to God, God will not tolerate rebels in heaven.


Just as the bible says, the just shall live by faith, in order to be heaven bound, you have to believe, there is no heaven for non believers, there place is hell.

So, you want to heaven? If so, you must have the qualities above, I also want to be in heaven and I will be glad to find you or see in heaven.



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