Though it is known sibling always love each other, there is always a great deal of competition and rivalry among them. There are many reasons which can make siblings be at real odds and many of them steam from childhood. I really had no problem with my younger brother but when I saw my mother offering more love to him than me, I began to feel bad, a sibling rivalry emerged and sometimes it really hurt a lot. That was when I was still young though there are still many siblings in old age who never get along. The feeling of competition and who is better may never be lost and can cause undesired effects among siblings. Below are some of the ways sibling's rivalry can be dealt with. Learn to talk out your differences rather than shouting them out When disagreeing with your sibling, make an effort to stay on the subject and not include past things Use "I" messages when telling your sibling how you feel about their behaviour Plan an activity where you can do something together that you both enjoy Try to figure out if the tension between you and your sibling is part of a larger problem. If so, then help your family to address that situation. |
How to deal with sibling rivalry
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