The Red Paper is a fake Newspaper which might cause genocide in Uganda

The Red paper started as an obscene new paper where nearly 100 percent of their pages where full of sex articles and or nude pictures. They made a lot of money from that but many Ugandans soon got tired of the silly pictures and they gave up on the Rep paper news paper.

They soon shifted to writing cooked up stories in addition to their sex talk, in the past few years, I have seen the Red paper telling people that the world will end in 2012, there is also a time they wrote about Nibiru for a very long time telling people that Nibiru was going to hit our planet. Some who where poor hearted sold their belongings and they now live poor lives.

The lies begin on their front page with the main headline, many times, the line is well presented to give a false impression of what is inside, they know that the Baganda love their Kabaka, so they make up an headline which will attract sales from the Baganda but write negative things about the kingdom instead on the next page.

The paper is so tribalistic, I think that is why most of their employees are westerners, which is not God for any company which write on national issues, it is the only paper which will quote an Acholi saying “ I hate Banyankole” or a Musoga saying “I hate Baganda”. Such tribalistic articles cannot take Uganda forward. I have noted how they have labored to make other tribes hate Buganda which is a very bad thing. I read an article when they said Baganda are planning a riot from Lubiri which never came true.

A national news paper should also never take sides in politics as the red paper does, I have read about how they blame Besigye for the fires in the September 11 riots, It seems that politicians are running to this paper to be written about. Though they claim to be independent, there is no doubt they are writing in favor of the ruling NRM government, I am not a politician but I have to give my comments when need.

Every time you see an article beginning with Why or How, just know Red paper is lying, articles like;
Why Museveni went to Kasubi?
Why the Kabaka did not talk?

Why FDC lost in Busoga?, are examples of lying articles you can find in the red paper, many of their no sense articles normally have By Our Reporter, if you ever see that word again, just know someone is going to lie you.

I therefore advise red paper to stop writing articles on tribal lines, one time when the Baganda and other tribes get tired of being tormented by a small company like red paper, there may not be a stone left on top of the other.


Money maker said...

That is why it i s goog to trust the traditional newspapers in uganda like the New Vision or the Daily Monitor

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