First aid for plant allergies

Many people are so sensitive to some types of plants, this is also known as plant allergies, there are mainly three types of plants to which people are more sensitive or allergic, these plants include poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.

When a person who is allergic to plants gets into contact or close to the plant, the infected area of the skin becomes inflamed, swollen, and covered with blisters and there is normally intense itching.

A waxy or resinous material causes the irritation. Good news is that extracts of plant have been prepared as vaccines which to some people are helpful in preventing the plant allergic condition.

First aid procedure for plant allergies

The waxy material of the plant which someone is allergic to can be removed with soap and water and it can also be destroyed by washing with salt solution or Epssom's salt solution.

When the blisters occur, you should apply dressing wet with saturated solutions of either magnesium sulphate or baking soda.

You should cover the dressing with a piece of plastic to retain moisture. Use of topical steroid creams will give comfort when blisters begin to dry. There are many over the counter preparations from pharmacies

You should avoid scratching as ruptured vesicles spread the rash from the plant allergy to other parts of the body. If the situation is severe, whereby it involves delicate parts like the eyes, ears , mouth or sexual organs, it is better you consult a physician.  


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