Astronomical Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes and Tobacco

Cigarette smoking is real suicide with so many dangers involved. It does not many which type of cigarettes you are using, the fact remains that there are many dangers of smoking cigars dangers of smoking pipes, and also for smokeless tobacco. Speciality cigarettes like clove cigarettes also have diverse negative effects on a human body.

Every day, only in the United States, at least 2000 people die from diseases related to smoking. Cigarette smoking is responsible for over 700000 deaths only in the USA alone each year. About 75% of the deaths from lung cancer among women are caused by smoking. On Average, a cigarette smoker is 10 to 15 times more likely to get lung cancer than a non smoker.

Smoking is really dangerous more than many people can imagine, someone who smokes 1 to 2 packs of cigarettes is 20 to 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer. A male smoker who is between 30 and 40 years old can expect to lose about 8 years of his life because of smoking.

Researchers have also proved that cigarette smoking is a major factor associated with the two principle diseases that make up chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), these are chronic bronchitis and pulmonary diseases which are 10 times more likely to occur among the cigarette smokers.

Smoking is also related to many other dangers like heart diseases, stained teeth and fingers and loss of tastes, birth defects, and sinus.

Dangers of smoking are actually universal, Smoking will not only affect the smoker but the people around will be severely affected through passive smoking. An estimated 50,000 people die from diseases which are related to passive smoking each day.


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