Heart disease; Rate your Risk of getting heart disease


Many people are at a high risk of getting high disease but yet remain ignorant about the fact. This article is going to help you rate yourself and see you risk of getting heart disease or cancer. Number a piece of paper from 1 through 13. Then read each item below and respond by writing a Yes then total the number of  the responses.


I avoid sitting or standing near people who smoke

I do not put salt on my food

I do not smoke cigarettes

I avoid eating fried foods

I limit the amount of fat in my diet

I do not use smokeless tobacco products

I exercise aerobically at least 3 times a week

I eat foods high in fibre

I use a lot of vegetable and fruits

I avoid long exposure to dust, fumes and industrial chemicals

I limit my intake of foods high in cholesterol

I keep my weight under control

I eat a lot of greasy food


If you have got more than 11 points, then your risk for getting heart disease is low,

If you have got 9 to 11 then your risk of getting heart disease is prevalent and you should make some changes

If you have got below 9 points, you have a risk for getting heart diseases, do something immediately to avoid heart problems.





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