Making international calls can be some what confusing for those people who are not used to it. Most people make local calls often but when it comes to make international calls, they get lots of problems, what bring the difference most times id the difference in the calling codes of countries, if you want to call turkey. You will need to use the turkey calling code and like wise for Brazil, if you call a number in Brazil without that country county for Brazil, you will not go through, and you may even find your self calling local number. Some countries have longer calling codes than others, for example, USA, England and some other countries have the International calling code for a country, then state or city or region. This means that you will need to place the country code first, and then the city or region code and then the number of the person you are calling. For the countries which only require a country code, you will not need to look for a city code, for example, when you are calling Uganda, you will need to put the country code of Uganda which is 256 before the number of the person you are calling and you call will go through/ If you are calling Canada, you will need to put the county code which is also 1 like that of USA, to call Brazil, the county code you will use is 55 and to call Turkey, the county code is 90. You will note that calling rates for international calls are most times j=higher than local calls. Tips when making international calls Every time you are making an international call, you have to begin the number you are calling with a plus (+) sign. If not so, you can replace the plus sign with three Zeros (000). If you do not do that, your calls must never go thorough, the plus sign on your phone will depend on your handset or phone type though most phones use the star (*) button which you will have to press repeatedly until you get the plus sign. You should also leave out the first zero on the number you calling, in most countries, when making local calls; you will begin with the zero. But things change a little bit when making international calls, for example, if the number you calling is from Kenya and the number is 0701888888, the calling format will be like this +254701888888. Note that after the calling code of Kenya which is 254, I have skipped the first zero on the number. |
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