Loans are part of every day life, there are times when a person needs extra cash to carry out their intended activities irrespective of whether you are rich or not. In most of the cases taking a loan will be the best remaining option. Not every can qualify for a bank loan but every one can make them themselves qualify for the loan.
I know it is too hurting to be denied a loan you really need, but many of the factors which lead to that will always stem from your side.
So then, how can you make your self ready for a bank loan?, it is just simple, you only need to know what a bank wants before it gives you a loan and if you make such factors favor you and you will be able to get any loan you need.
Many banking and lending institutions consider what they refer to as the 6c’s which they use as a yard stick to give out loans to those who may need them. They include;
Cash flow
You have to assure the loan officer or the banking official in charge that you have a sufficient cash flow and you will be able to repay the loan using that cash flow. It is therefore important to lay down you cash flows in a credible manner before you go out to apply for a loan.
Banks and other lending institutions will always look at the capacity of your cash flow to sustain the loan repayments or even your own capacity to meet such obligations entailed in the loan structure.
This is an important criterion a financial institution will use to provide you with a loan, it can be the competition present in the lending sector, the competition involved in your business or even the competition involved for that particular loan. You should be able to demonstrate you can beat the competition
Your banking and personal character should be in a good standing, your must have clear financial records and backgrounds for you to get a bank loan. If they are not good, for example, having many default payments, you have to make sure that you clear them long before you apply for a loan.
Banks and financial institutions may not be able to give you a loan if they have no secure guarantee that you will repay back promptly and in time, there fore, many lending institutions will require a security or collateral in case you default. This can be anything from land title, building, share certificate, business or even a car card book.
Before a financial or lending institution gives you a loan, it must make sure that it is in compliance with all the laws of the land. For example, in most countries, it is legal to make contracts with people below the age of 18.
How to easily get a loan from a bank
Labels: Business and Investment
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