Those are not gay rights, they are gay wrongs

I have never enjoyed talking or writing about gays, i know many people feel the same way yet we (who do not support the gay acts) are about to lose the battle against gay acts. I mean who am I to say no when presidents have said yes. What amuses me is that many of the people who are supporting gay acts can not engage in such acts themselves. They know very well that it is against every dust of nature to be a gay.

I am surprised when i see people claiming to fight for “gay rights “, which rights? As far as I know, there has never been and there will never be “gay rights”. What such people are advocating for are the “gay wrongs”. It is by instinct that common sense will tell you that being gay is wrong, that is why when gays stage there conferences, many of them go with their faces hidden behind masks. They are fully aware that what they are doing is a social evil and morally un acceptable, so if they are even ashamed to show their faces, then why do their fight for their wrongs.

In the past, Africa has been a dumping place for the western countries, we have been forced though sometimes wilfully to consume junk foods from outside countries, take on their political ideologies, change our decent clothes for indecent ones and now, bringing to the public the known evils including homosexuality and gay acts. I use the word public because i know gay acts existed in Africa even long before the African man met a white man, however everyone knew it as evil.

I am now scared for the future of our children, a time will soon come when they move on the same street with men indecently touching other men, and women without shame misusing other women, this is a fact all those who fight gay acts should know, there is nothing which can be done about that “prophecy”. It not my prophecy, so please do not over react on me, it was Jesus Christ who said that in the last days, the world will be like in the times of Lot, where gay acts where rampant.

People who support gay acts are more powerful than us who do not, let you not think that most Americans or Europeans do, the majority do not but the few who support are more powerful, it is the same scenario we have recently experienced in Uganda, many of us have been waiting for the law to show the gays where they belong, but the “few” seem to have won because they are more powerful. I would like you to know that this issue is bigger than even President Obama himself, it involves a clique of the “few” guys who control the money and as the saying goes “He who holds the piper call the tunes”.

I believe in love for everyone but I can never be a friend of a gay, I mean, if someone cannot differentiate between a right and a wrong, such a person becomes dangerous. The battle to fight gays can only be fought at individual levels, protect yourself and your child, and then we will see some success. Otherwise we may soon see rapist, those who defile young kids, those who sacrifice children and murderer also demanding for their rights, I mean wrongs- as gays are doing.


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