Understanding bonds: How to get rich using bonds

A bond is a long-term promissory note issued by a corporation or government, the contract between the corporation and the lender is referred to as a bond indenture, The indenture specifies that the creditor (a person who has bought the bond) will receive regular interest payment, usually semiannually and then receive the face value or the maturity value of the bond at the date of maturity.

Therefore, any one who needs to accumulate capital or make savings should try out on bonds since many of them are more secure than other investment and savings methods. More of how you can get rich through bonds has been discussed in the course of this article.

Bonds are debts of federal, state and local governmental units and large corporations. They normally have a par value or maturity value and have a fixed interest payment made semi annually. When you acquire a bond, you will be assured of getting back your money at least with interest.

Types of bonds
There are majorly two groups of bond issuers, the government and agencies. The government bonds are more secure long term debt securities.
Agency bonds are issued by particular agents that are established by the federal or national banks. They have become an important part of the bond market in the recent years. Generally, the interest rates on these bonds are slightly higher than comparable rates of the government bonds.

Municipal bonds, these are also referred to as tax exempted bonds because the interest on these bonds is not taxed by the government. This tax exempt feature means that most local governments can issue bonds at lower interest rates than the central government. There are several types of municipal bonds which include;
• General obligation bonds
• Revenue bonds
• Industrial bonds

Business firms also issue bonds which are refers to as corporate bonds, however, only large firms can issue bonds and smaller firms can only deal directly with lenders like banks and insurance companies
What you should know before you acquire a bond
There are many forms of bonds and a person should seek for one which will benefit or produce more returns. The features of these bonds are listed below;
Income bonds, these are unsecured debt requiring payment of interest only to the extent earned by the firm. Income bonds indentures vary, interests paid are sometimes cumulative where by if not paid in one period, they must be paid in another.

Floating rates bonds, these gain interest which fluctuates with prevailing interest rates rather than being fixed to the life span of the bond.
Low coupon bonds, these are issued at low discounts, that is, below the face value and are referred to as original discount bonds. Low income bonds allow the borrowers to postpone to maturity of most or all the interest and principal payment on loans.

Put bonds, these allow the borrower to return the bonds to the issuer in return for cash payments equal to the bonds face value
How bonds can make you rich
Bonds encourage savings which value can be re invested later for increased wealth
You can use bonds to acquire developmental loans from lenders
Bonds facilitate capital accumulation which is an important factor in wealth creation

Bonds can easily be converted into cash as in the case of put bonds which can facilitate investment
Bonds can present extravagant use of money which may present development
Bonds can be your back ups during foreclosure situations, mortgage payments and loan re- financing

Bonds can change your financial fortunes for the betterment but before you acquire any bonds, you need to seek professional advice from financial specialist for the best bond type you should go for.


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