Make money online, websites where you can really make money

There are many people looking for online writing jobs yet knowing where to find them, in this article, I have presented some of the best places where you can write on any topic of your interest and earn from your efforts. On some of the websites, you can write and be paid upfront, on others you are paid for article and yet others have advertising programs where you can earn some really good money.

1. eHow - This website is so easy to write for. You start out writing how to articles of 150 words and earn residual income.

2. Associated Content - This website has been around for a while but it is one of the few that still offers upfront money for articles written on the website.

3. Helium - They offer upfront payment according to writer status and stars. Howver, once you publish an article with them, they maintain the rights over it.

4) Suite 101 – It is one of the best paying sites but it hard to achieve writer status.

5) Daily Article - At daily article, you will have a chance to sell your articles for money.

6) Constant Content – This is also like Daily Articles where you sell your articles for money.

7) Rent a Coder – Here you will have to Bid on writing assignments.

8) : Create blog, publish posts, display ads and earn money. There is no revenue sharing. All online income goes to the publisher.

9) Digital Point Forum - Writers connect to marketers for assignments.

Hubpages has a good readership thanks to their big membership; this will expose your articles and hence drive more traffic to your site. Hubpages allows adverts from programs like Google Adsense, eBay, Amazon and Kontera. This will surely boost your income in the long run, howver, you will have to share the revenue with hupages in 40-60 proportion

Bukisa is a revenue sharing site much like Hub Pages. They have a fairy good user interface and they also share revenue from your contribution just like Hubpages. One nice thing about Bukisa is that the payout threshold is only $10 which means that within a few weeks, you can begin earning money.

12)Demand Studios.
Demand Studios pays per article you write, they subcontracts freelance work to online writers. You have to apply to write for them, just like you apply for a regular job. If you get in, they pay you per article, which means it is not a permanent job.

To write for The Examiner you have to fill out a template which includes a brief (250-300 word) writing sample and an explanation of what you will do for them. They hire writers by region, so you have to give your stuff a regional slant. If you decide to try it and you get in they'll pay me $50,

14)Poets & Writers.
Poets & Writers is another print publication whose online version ( is every bit as good as the paper magazine. they quality of the articles about writing and tone of the whole thing is just a little more upscale. You'll find interviews with successful writers and poets from all genres, advice, agents, and lots of new markets, writing contests, and calls for submissions.

It is important to note that making money on line is not a days venture, you will need to put in some effort, if you can qualify to write for website with which pay some good money per article, then you will be assured of a good monthly check. For the websites with advertising programs, you will need some little bit of patience since your income will majorly depend on traffic, and commission.

Writing online for money is not for so much desperate people, you should be prepared to make millions in a month if so many people read your articles or even for so little if you really have little traffic to your. But all in all, writing on line is a very good venture where you can make really some good money if you’re smart. I have also written an article of how to drive traffic to your content which will be a good one for you if you really need to make some good money online


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